Sunday 19 May 2013

[Music] : WunderKind [@wunderkindb] - The Matter

When you here the name wundakind there's no need again to tell you that this song is full of wonders and amazing things.

Wundakind is a young and talented 16 years old pop singer who can also rap,he started his musical career during his primary school days at the age of 10.

in this song this youngboy trys to tell you how he feels at the moment,why he came into the game and what an upcoming act like him can do.

He's signed to no record label but will listen to offer when the right one comes.apart from “THE MATTER”,he also hv many other jamz such as ihunto,disco dance,we can and many more which are yet to be released...this song is produced by OMITEZEY,

For the love of music just click the download botton,don't miss out this song cause its hot!!!


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