Big Brother StarGame kicked off on Sunday night with a big bang!
From celebrities to uber hot Downville housemates and a performance by American Star J Cole, it was definitely a star-bright beginning for the new season of Big Brother Africa.
The first set of twists were revealed by the host I.K.
We found out about Upville (For the Celebs) and Downville (For the “regular” folk). The random lottery for nominations were also revealed, for this week, the Tanzanian and Zimbabwean couples have been selected to go up for eviction.
Here is the scoop via the Official BB StarGame Website -
This year the contestants are divided into two groups, namely the VIPs and the wannabes. The VIPs have been put into the snazzy Upville house while the wannabes are in the not- so- snazzy Downville House.
This year’s Housemates are from Angola, Botswana, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Namibia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
Ghana – Derick Kobina(DKB):Comedian, TV presenter, talent manager
Kenya – Jackson (Prezzo):Musician
Namibia – Martha (Lady May):Musician
Nigeria – Susan (Goldie):Singer
South Africa – Babalwa (Barbz):Model, salon owner
Zambia- Mampi:Singer
Zimbabwe – Rockford (Roki):Singer
The wannabes are:
Angola – Esperansa and Seydou
Botswana – Edith and Eve
Ghana – Keitta and Mildred
Kenya – Alex and Malonza
Liberia – Luke and Yadel
Malawi – Nafe and Wati
Namibia – Junia and Jesica
Nigeria – Chris and Ola
Sierra Leone – Dalphin and Zainab
South Africa – Keagan and Lee
Tanzania – Hilda and Julio
Uganda – Kyle and Jannette
Zambia – Talia and Tamara
Zimbabwe – Maneta and Teclar
Watch Big Brother StarGame on DStv Channel 198, Monday to Sunday (24/7). Who will your favourite Housemates be?
Find out ALL about the Big Brother StarGame Downville Housemates below.
Age: 23
Country: Kenya
Occupation: Student
Biography: Alex is a student from Kiambu, currently studying towards a degree in Computer Science – and he already has a Diploma in Business and Communication Technology under his belt.
Alex’s role model is Steve Jobs, for his determination to bring a new era in the field of technology. His mother has had a huge influence on his life because she does a lot for the family and “no matter how much we have annoyed her, she still loves us!”.
He was inspired to enter Big Brother StarGame by his brother – and game partner – Malonza. “I found Big Brother will be an opportunity to bond with him,” he says. Asked about how he feels knowing Africa will be watching him 24/7, he says “it’s amazing,particularly knowing my friends will be watching. The energy builds up when you are yourself and that’s how you’ll get the votes,” he says.
Alex describes himself as caring, patient, jealous, determined and strict and thinks his best trait is his ability to socialise with people and make friends with strangers.
Age: 22
Country: Kenya
Occupation: Student
Biography: Malonza is single, enjoys watching Jacob’s Cross, Big Brother and Modern Family and his favourite musicians include Chris Brown, Santi Sol and Camp Mulla. His favourite actor is Johnny Depp and his all-time favourite movies include Real Steel and Tears of the Sun.
He says the best thing about Africa is its wonderful people, beautiful land and bountiful natural resources. His favourite place in Kenya is Mombasa – “sun and sand are my thing” – and outside of Africa, Dubai “because of the way they have taken their country to a whole new level with development and diversity of economic resources”.
The achievement he is most proud of so far in his life is making it into the Big Brother StarGame – he was inspired to stretch himself and find his limits. “I’m tired of being a groupie and I want to be the star,” he says.
He says of his Big Brother StarGame partner Alex “he is my blood brother. I chose him because I felt that he was the only one on my level that I could relate to well.
Age: 25
Country: Nigeria
Occupation: Fashion Designer
Biography: Fashion designer Chris is single and has a degree in Human Kinetics. He entered Big Brother StarGame because he thinks the House is fun – and he’s a fun-loving person. He hopes to bring his own style to the game and make a great impression. He’s looking forward to partnering with fellow Nigerian Ola because “he is one of the funniest individuals I have come across and I think we share the same sense of humour. He’s a crazy guy, trust me!”
He has his eyes on the grand prize, but says he isn’t willing to do anything against his religion or beliefs to win the game. He’s not worried about having millions of viewers watching his every move because he believes the game is about viewership and “people must watch”. He didn’t follow last season’s show, but his all-time favourite housemate is Richard, because “he was real”.
Chris describes himself as fun-loving, blunt, and funny and likes to put things in order. He says “you can’t be bored around me” and likes people who “come as they are”.
Age: 29
Country: Nigeria
Occupation: Interior Designer
Biography: Lagos resident and interior designer Ola Bakare is an impressive 6’9” tall.
His favourite thing about Africa is that the land has been blessed a great deal, while he also enjoys the people and culture. He says his Dad influenced his life the most because “he always worked hard for me and wants the best for me – he loves me unconditionally”.
He was inspired to enter Big Brother StarGame with his friend Christian because he thinks he has what it takes to participate and also to learn about other cultures. Ola describes himself as smart, funny, creative, fun-loving and sweet and thinks he’s fun to be around and can hold a healthy conversation.
He likes people who are open to ideas, but dislikes people who are not ‘real’. He says that viewers can expect jokes, interaction and drama from him on Big Brother StarGame. If he wins, he will give a percentage of his money to each participating Housemate.
Age: 27
Country: Sierra Leone
Occupation: Model Booker
Biography: Dalphin is a model booker from Freetown and has a BA degree. She was inspired to enter Big Brother StarGame with her friend Zainab because her friends and model clients have always pushed her to do something on television. She and Zainab have been friends for about 8 years and have been through it all together. “She’s real down-to-earth and crazy,” she says of her partner. Dalphin says she won’t lose her pride to win the game – and if she does win the grand prize, she would use the money to launch a TV show and help war-afflicted children in her country.
Her favourite places in her country are Freetown, Aberden Beach and Hill Station and she says the best thing about Africa is that the entire continent is beautiful. “I love our culture and heritage and our people are down-to-earth,” she says. She says Paris is her favourite place outside of Sierra Leone.
Her role models are Beyonce and Mercy Johnson, because they have inspired her to work hard.
Age: 26
Country: Sierra Leone
Occupation: Model
Biography: A model from Freetown – now based in Istanbul – Zainab is the youngest of eight sisters and four brothers.
Her role models are Naomi Campbell and her mother –“both great women”. She says that her mom has had the greatest impact on her life because she is kind, practical and “the best person I have ever known”. She describes herself as fun-loving, awesome, nice, happy and honest and says her best traits are her personality and her ability to be honest no matter what the situation might be.
She says viewers should expect “fun, fun, fun” from her. “I’m the girl next door – a fun, sweet, nice girl,” she says. She entered Big Brother StarGame because everyone she knows pushed her to – plus she thinks it will be lots of fun.
She entered with partner Dalphin because they are best friends. “I chose her because of her personality – she is a fun-loving, kind-hearted and down-to-earth individual, and most of all, she has the potential to win!” she says.
Age: 30
Country: Botswana
Occupation: Personal Assistant
Biography: Edith, a Personal Assistant from Francistown, entered Big Brother StarGame at the insistence of her friends, who told her she is fun to be around and would make a good Housemate.
She says that the opportunity to partner with her sister Eve on the show makes them both feel like stars. Edith says she knows her sister like the back of her hand and chose her because “with her sense of fun and my wild character, we are bound to blast the competition!”
She won’t be compromising who she is to win the grand prize, though. “I will not put on a fake ‘Edith’ just to win,” she says. She is looking forward to being on screen across the continent and is excited at the chance to become a household name across Africa. She warns viewers to expect her to “bring all the fun back” and says that if she wins, she will use her money to build her deaf and mute sister a house.
Edith describes herself as energetic, fun, adventurous and crazy.
Age: 25
Country: Botswana
Occupation: Marketer
Biography: Eve – sister to partner Edith – has a National Diploma in Marketing Management.
She was inspired to enter Big Brother StarGame because she loves a challenge. She is excited to be competing along with her sister because she has known her just about her entire life and knows they’re compatible. She promises to go “all out” to win the grand prize and is “ecstatic” that all eyes will be on her. She loves being in the spotlight and says her family will be incredibly supportive of her appearance in the House.
Eve’s role models are her parents – her mother because she’s the strongest woman she’s ever met and her father because he is determined. Her mom had a particularly big influence on her because she pushed her to go the extra mile.
The achievement in life she’s most proud of is her acquaintance with God because it has given her a different perspective on life.
Age: 24
Country: Angola
Occupation: Model
Biography: Former M-Net Face of Africa Model Search Top 10 Finalist Esperanca loves pizza, “The Oprah Winfrey Show”, “America’s Next Top Model”, Whitney Houston, Alicia Keys and horror movies.
Her role model is Naomi Campbell, because she’s always admired her work – and people have told her that they look alike. Her mom has been a huge influence in her life, supporting her in everything she does.
She entered Big Brother StarGame because she’s always wanted to be in the House and would be proud to represent Angola. She says it’s also a great opportunity for exposure – and the grand prize money doesn’t hurt either!
Describing herself as outgoing, a ‘people’s person’, decisive, and friendly, she cites her determined nature – which allows her to make sure she gets what she wants when she sets her sights on it – as her favourite quality. She dislikes dishonest people and promises viewers that they can expect fun, laughter and drama from her.
Age: 26
Country: Angola
Occupation: Entrepreneur
Biography: Entrepreneur Seydou entered Big Brother StarGame “for the money and the game as a whole”. He says he is willing to do everything to win the grand prize and says, “I am a delivery man – I will make it happen!”
Seydou’s role model is Barack Obama, “because he is a successful black man and I aspire to be like him”. He has 3 brothers and a sister and says his Grandmother has played a big role in his life, making him the man he is today. The achievement he is most proud of is graduating from University, “because despite what some thought, I made it without failing”.
He describes himself as outgoing, charming, intelligent, open-minded and “a hunk” and says his intelligence helps him get through things. The traits he favours in others include intelligence and honesty, but he dislikes fake people and people who smoke around him.
Age: 28
Country: Tanzania
Occupation: Saleswoman
Biography: Hilda hails from Morogoro and is a saleswoman. She has a son and enjoys the novels of Sydney Sheldon and the book Memoirs of a Geisha. Hilda was inspired to enter Big Brother StarGame by Biggie himself! “He seems to be a big challenge in the House and so I thought it would be fun to join him this time around and give him a special challenge. I can’t wait…” she says. She’s excited by the partnering format of this year’s show as it will be filled with fun and entertainment – plus her partner Julio is her best friend. “He is charming, sweet and a very good listener, of course,” she says.
She says she will do whatever it takes to win the grand prize – including lying her way out of a tricky situation or “being the sweetest thing ever”. She knows that Africa will be talking about her as soon as they see her on screen – which makes her excited. She says if she wins, she will donate money to a charity she supports back home as a peer health educator to help them build a nice house.
Age: 27
Country: Tanzania
Occupation: Manager
Biography: Julio is from Dar es Salaam and works as the Head of VAS, Electronic Channels and Products at a company in the telecommunications industry. With a BComm in Finance and an MBA under his belt, he looks set to be a wily player on Big Brother StarGame! He entered to be on the show because his best friend – Hilda – was the perfect example of the best candidate. Coupled with that, he saw himself as the most complete character because of how he lives his life as a hedonist.
He says of his partner Hilda that she is “real and straightforward” and that he’s always comfortable when she’s around. He says that men adore her while women are always on his case. “She’s smart, very interesting – especially with how much she knows, Africa will love her to death,” he says. He’s a fan of the show and cites Kevin as his favourite Housemate, though he says “at the end of the day, he has nothing on what I’ll bring to the House”.
Julio describes himself as fun, crazy, smart, cunning and entertaining.
Age: 21
Country: Namibia
Occupation: Student
Biography: Third-year Human Resources student Jesica says her favourite place in Namibia is Windhoek, because “you have a life there – you may go out and mingle as much as you want”.
She says the best thing about Africa is that “it’s real – you don’t come across fakeness” and her favourite place outside of Namibia is New York because if she lived there, she would have “had a lot of money and been famous by now”.
She entered Big Brother StarGame with her friend Junia because she is “a very flexible, fun and loving person. She doesn’t take nonsense from anyone, so don’t mess with her!” she warns. Jessica says she is fine with knowing that Africa will be watching her as she has no choice!
If she wins the grand prize, she will give back to her community in her hometown of Karasburg – and buy herself a house and a car. She hopes to gain exposure from appearing on the show so that when she is finished with her studies, it’ll be easier since people know her.
Age: 23
Country: Namibia
Occupation: Receptionist
Biography: Receptionist and student Junia is from Windhoek and is really looking forward to playing Big Brother StarGame with her friend Jessica. “She’s fun and crazy, I like the way we get along and she stands up for herself – I like that,” she says. She’s looking forward to the partnering aspect of the game because she likes team work and calls the twist “an awesome idea”.
She describes herself as fun, loving, hard-headed and phenomenal and enjoys the fact that she’s easy-going and understanding – and “a very hard cookie to crack”. She dislikes liars and people who try to insult her intelligence.
Junia likes watching soapies, clubbing and chilling and says she is inspired to “push harder” by the fact that she grew up in a single-parent home. Asked about her favourite food, she says “I eat everything – I love food!” Her favourite book is Act like a woman, think like a man by Steve Harvey, her favourite TV show is Nip/Tuck and she enjoys listening to Brandy, Whitney Houston and Rihanna.
Age: 22
Country: Ghana
Occupation: Model
Biography: Keitta is a model, who hails from Accra. He was inspired to enter Big Brother StarGame by the challenge of living with different people and cultures.
He was also interested to see how he would be able to stay in the house – and of course he has an eye on the money too! He’s not worried about having Africa’s eyes on him 24/7 and looks forward to challenging the different points of view of everyone on the continent. If he wins the grand prize, he’ll start his own entertainment company to boost the Ghanaian and African music and fashion industries.
Keitta describes himself as patient, kind, energetic and daring and thinks the best part of his personality is his ability to be patient and laid-back at certain times. He likes people who tell the truth and dislikes people who do things slowly, who don’t make their point and who lie.
He’s on the show to get African recognition for his modeling career and his favourite previous Housemate is Karen, because she is “daring, and smart”.
Age: 25
Country: Ghana
Occupation: Musician
Biography: Accra-based Mildred is a musician, with a Professional Certificate and Advanced Qualification in Marketing. She entered Big Brother StarGame to take up the challenge of living with people, learning new cultures and lifestyles, building on her personality and winning the money – plus gaining African recognition. She doesn’t mind having the whole continent watching her as she is a celebrity in Ghana, so she’s used to it.
Her favourite former Housemate is Abby from Season 1. If she wins, she’ll spend the money on building her music career and push it further to all countries on the continent. She’s hoping to gain exposure from the Big Brother StarGame experience – and also learn from the different personalities in the House.
Mildred describes herself as energetic, bubbly, determined, vibrant and tolerant – and likes humour and understanding in others. She says that her tolerance and vibrancy are her favourite traits – but she loves her physical looks and qualities too.
Age: 26
Country: Liberia
Occupation: Entrepreneur
Biography: Luke entered Big Brother StarGame for the glitz, glamour and the impact he hopes it will have on his life. The only thing he’s not willing to do to win the grand prize? “Lose it! I’ll have fun all the way and head to the grand prize – and then cling to it,” he says. He says he already feels like a superstar at the mere prospect of having the continent watching his every move.
Luke considers himself to be able to make people laugh, blend in anywhere and also thinks he’s good at chatting to people. He says that viewers can expect lots of laughs, great entertainment and check out a “real player”. Luke’s family is very supportive of his participation on Big Brother StarGame and if he wins the grand prize, he’ll start a real estate business, a transport service, a security firm and a movie production and advertising company.
He’s looking forward to partnering with good friend Yadel on the show and says that the chance to work as a pair is going to make the game more challenging.
Age: 22
Country: Liberia
Occupation: Entertainer
Biography: 5’2” Yadel is living proof that dynamite comes in small packages! She says she’ll do anything – except ungodly things – to win the grand prize on Big Brother StarGame and was inspired to enter by her passion for the show and the opportunity to make her country proud. She is looking forward to competing with Luke.
She says she chose to play the game with him because they have a lot in common – both are smart, ambitious, fun, understanding and happy people. As a fan of Big Brother, she’s watched the previous seasons with great interest and lists Wendell as one of her favourite former housemates.
Describing herself as outspoken, fun, opinionated and competitive, she enjoys having great conversations, loves to dance and says she is a great actress. She likes smart people, daredevils and good looking people! She’s not a fan of dirty bathrooms, bad breath, tasteless food, arguments over nothing and annoying people.
Age: 22
Country: Malawi
Occupation: Assistant Administrator
Biography: Nafe is an Assistant Administrator from Lilongwe who entered Big Brother StarGame at the insistence of his cousin Wati – who will also be his partner in the game.
He says the idea of partnering up is great and he is looking forward to participating with Wati because they have been like brothers since they were born.
Nafe promises to do “anything and everything” to win the grand prize – and if he does, he’ll donate most of his winnings to charity and invest the rest. His family supports him in his quest to bring home the grand prize and they think it’s a wonderful opportunity for him.
He describes himself as outrageous, outgoing and passionate and loves to go places and try new things. He says he’s not easily angered and gets along with most people – except those who are annoying and stubborn.
Nafe says his parents are his role models because they taught him that anything is possible if you put your mind and heart into it.
Age: 22
Country: Malawi
Occupation: Entrepreneur
Biography: Wati entered Big Brother StarGame, based on his family and friends’ trust that he can entertain with good, clean fun. He says the change to allow pairs to compete in the game is unfair to the other Housemates, as he and partner Nafe “are gonna kill it”.
Wati and Nafe are cousins and he thinks they’ll do well in the game because they’re the “new face of Malawi” and they have a bond and trust that can never be broken.
He is hoping that by entering Big Brother StarGame, his personality will be known throughout the world. If he wins, he will create a self-sustaining industry that would directly help surrounding areas. Wati says that viewers can expect him to be entertaining and charming, describing himself as passionate, consistent, creative, spontaneous and Malawian. He says his tolerance for different personalities is his favourite personal quality.
He says the best thing about Malawi is Lake Malawi – Mangochi.
South Africa
Age: 22
Country: South Africa
Occupation: Intern Manager
Biography: Keagan says his favourite place in South Africa is his hometown – Cape Town – and that the best thing about the continent is “the amount of cultures we have and the people that make Africa a better place”. Outside of Cape Town, he says his favourite place in the world is Miami, where he lived for 5 years.
His friend and Big Brother StarGame partner Lee inspired him to enter for the show – along with the money on offer! He partnered with Lee as they’re best friends and have known each other for over 18 years. “We know each other’s qualities through and through and will be a vital force in the Big Brother House,” he says.
He doesn’t mind the millions of eyes that will be watching him – in fact, he’s hoping for an invitation to other countries in Africa after the show as he loves travelling!
If he wins the grand prize, Keagan will invest some of the money to help him in the future, give some cash to a charity after some careful research, and help some of his family members.
Age: 22
Country: South Africa
Occupation: Student
Biography: Lee is a second year Graphic Design Student from Cape Town. He’ll be playing the game with his lifelong friend Keagan – whom he says was “the only one mad enough to say yes” to taking part in Big Brother StarGame with him. His family is right behind him too – as long as he doesn’t embarrass them! If he wins the grand prize, Lee will give his parents a share for all their troubles, buy an apartment and invest in his future.
Lee describes himself as reserved, free, non-judgmental, crazy and respectful. The traits he admires most in others are honesty, trustworthiness, respect, fun and an outgoing nature. He says the best thing about himself is his level head, and he dislikes people who are dishonest backstabbers. His favourite former Housemate is fellow South African Ferdinand Rabie.
Lee likes watching sports programs and the Discovery Channel and his favourite artists are DJ Fresh, Netski, Drake Adele and John Mayer. His favourite actors are Ryan Reynolds and Sandra Bullock.
Age: 22
Country: Uganda
Occupation: Dancer
Biography: Her favourite singers are Janet Jackson, Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Madonna, Shania Twain and Britney Spears, while her favourite actors are Angelina Jolie, Maggie Q, Denzel Washington and Kiefer Sutherland.
Her role models are Beyonce and Janet Jackson, because they are both successful and have remained humble and grounded. Beyonce, in particular, has been a huge influence on her as she grew up loving and admiring her and everything she does.
She says that her Big Brother StarGame partner Kyle is very calm and listens to suggestions. “He is fun and a big fan of the show – I couldn’t ask for a better partner,” she says. She loves the limelight, so isn’t fazed by being watched by millions of viewers: “I love attention, both called-for and uncalled-for, so I’m ok with Africa watching me”. If she wins, she’ll use the money to boost her music career and use some to buy a car.
Age: 24
Country: Uganda
Occupation: Journalist
Biography: Kyle entered Big Brother StarGame because it’s a one-of-a-kind show. “I love the way that strangers become the best of friends as the rest of Africa watches,” he says. “It really brings out anybody’s patience levels because there is a lot of money to chase – very intriguing!”
He’s looking forward to playing the game with his partner Janette, who is describes as “the brightest and most rational person I ever met”. If he does win, he’ll invest in his music career and blow the rest in Tahiti or the Bahamas.
Kyle describes himself as calm, amiable, musical and animated. He likes the fact that he finds it hard to raise his voice at people, calling himself “a dialogue kind of person”. He likes anybody who would understand the fact that he doesn’t like fighting and that friendliness is all he needs and dislikes pretence and dishonesty.
His role model is his big brother Tony, because “he shaped me into the cool dude I have become”. His top influences are Rick Dees of The Weekly Top 4.
Age: 27
Country: Zambia
Occupation: Musician
Biography: Tamara is a musician, just like her younger sister and Big Brother StarGame partner Talia.
She was inspired to enter Big Brother StarGame by the possibilities: the exposure, chance to meet new people, and above all, the money which she says will change her life. She is looking forward to playing the game with Talia because they have fun together, they want to see how they will get along with the rest of the Housemates – plus it was a long-standing dream of theirs to be on Big Brother together.
Tamara says she is talkative, frank, good, and has a cool temperament. She likes the fact that she “tells it how it is”, helps people whenever she can manage and is a very happy person. She likes people who help other people and dislikes control freaks, know-it-alls and gossips. Tamara promises viewers entertainment, a lot of dancing, laughter and talking on the show.
Her role model is her father because he was creative and talented and showed her she could be anything she wanted to be.
Age: 23
Country: Zambia
Occupation: Graphic Designer
Biography: Talia hails from Lusaka, where she is a graphic designer and musician. She will be playing Big Brother StarGame with her older sister Tamara, because she believes they are a great pair, they complement each other well and they share a rare understanding. She believes their presence in the House will bring controversy and great entertainment – and their supportive family is right behind them.
Talia says she is outgoing, free-spirited and spontaneous and likes her patience, tolerance and great sense of humour. In others, she respects strong personalities, kindness, understanding and a similar free-spiritedness to her own personality. She dislikes control freaks, gossips and people who look down on others.
If she wins the grand prize, Talia will invest in real estate and help her family and the people who helped her become who she is today. She is hoping to gain exposure, friends, connections and experience from being on the show and lists her favourite former housemate as Munya.
Age: 21
Country: Zimbabwe
Occupation: Student
Biography: Bulawayo-born Maneta is a law student who says she is her own role model: “I am my own person and I have my own capabilities and I am fearfully and wonderfully made”.
She has 4 older sisters and one older brother and says her law degree and her entrepreneurial endeavour are the things she’s most proud of because they make her feel “like a Superwoman”.
She was inspired to enter Big Brother StarGame after watching former Housemate Karen entertain viewers and have so much fun. She’ll be playing the game with her step-sister, Teclar “because she is more interesting”. Maneta describes herself as fun, intelligent, beautiful, exotic and indescribable. She says that she is a grounded and humble person with morals who respects hard work and perseverance in others.
She dislikes pretenders and liars!If she wins the grand prize, Maneta will make a better future for herself.
Age: 31
Country: Zimbabwe
Occupation: Actress
Biography: Actress and entrepreneur Teclar is single and currently studying towards her degree.
Her favourite place in Zimbabwe is Inyanga and she says the best thing about Africa is that it’s a beautiful continent full of uncountable opportunities.
Inspired to enter Big Brother StarGame with her step-sister Maneta by former Housemate Karen, her fans, her classmates and her family, Teclar says she will do anything to win – except if it harms her integrity. Already a regular on TV on Studio 263, she isn’t fazed by having the continent watching her every move. If she wins, she’ll invest the money in her personal business and start a chat show on TV which she hopes would eventually lead to setting up an NGO to support single mothers in Zimbabwe.
Teclar describes herself as friendly, entertaining, fun and cunning and promises viewers fireworks.
Who is your fave?
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