Tuesday, 15 January 2013

[EDITORIAL] : Tonto Diheh Is Smarter The All Of You

Tonto Dikeh is using the ignorance of the Nigerian online music community to do all the hard work for her.

The day I saw the reactions to Tonto Dikeh's first singles which she released last year, I was a sad man. I mean the songs were horrible. I listen to horrible songs all day so Tonto's lack of talent didn't move me. It was the reaction of people that made me sad. For a whole day, productive people took time out to diss, laugh, criticize and mock Nigeria's most controversial actress. That therein was the greatest mistake ever made. By making her trend worldwide, you lot gave an irrelevant individual so much free promo that she has the unbelievable record of having the most downloads for a Nigerian artiste (yikes you people even made her an artiste!). 

This here lies my problem with the uber-cool Twitter crowd and in general the online music community. Y'all give too much attention to artistes who don't have the talent and artistry. Oh yeah sure, they can 'famz' the likes of Bez, Asa, Praiz and gush about how they are on the same wavelength with their favourite rock band in Europe or an indie singer in America. What they will not do is give the same attention they would to a Tonto Dikeh or Shina Rambo when these talented singers release new singles and albums. Think I am lying? When has Bez, Praiz or Asa trended worldwide? Don't they have the talent and creativity to trend even in Africa? Sadly when the untalented come out with their works, it's free promo and hype galore, something they will never do for more deserving acts. 

Some of you might say that the attention poured on these acts are negative. Yeah true, the tweets, vile comments, pictures and posts aren't positive. However let me give you a newsflash. In today's world, publicity is publicity, whether negative positive or even neutral. Tonto Dikeh is now as popular as a Tiwa Savage musically not because of her wack songs but because you people made her relevant with the unnecessary attention you put on her. Same thing with Sina Rambo. This obviously untalented rapper trended for two days with the #SinaRamboBars. It was funny then but who doesn't know Sina Rambo now? Obviously there are more talented rappers in the game but you all decided to give all the attention and hype to Sina Rambo. By mocking these acts you are making them relevant. And this is the dangerous part; all they need is a stroke of luck to get that hit and GBAM! all the negative energy will switch into glowing comments and before you know it we have a star on our hands. 
With the millions of negative comments about her, Tonto Dikeh has stepped into the realm of relevancy. Artistes have started referencing her in songs. With Olamide's new freestyle named after her, the hate (love) is far from over. 
For those laughing at Tonto Dikeh, be wise she is playing you. She will keep doing things and dropping songs that will make you talk about her. Then when she has the attention of you so called 'better people' she will drop a song that will be worthy enough to call 'good'. Then what are you going to do next? You've already released the cat from the bag, she's your monster deal with it. The song with Terry G 'Crazically Fit' was a close call. Her next song might hit the spot and when it does, a lot of talented female singers will struggle to get shows. Mark my words. 

You can point accusing fingers at bloggers for putting up her stuff. It's cool, we do. Let me tell you a secret, bloggers will put up any material that will guarantee them traffic. Before Tonto dropped her songs, the hype was epic from the Twitter crowd. A sharp blogger won't pass on the opportunity to put the songs up. Predictably traffic was high thanks to you lot who did Tonto's work for her. It's not easy being a blogger, we all need traffic. We want to hammer like our Aunty Linda and when you bring a wack artiste from obscurity into the realm of relevancy we will put it up. Traffic is what we sell, don't get it twisted. Guess what? When her video drops, we will be here to post 'cos you won't stop ranting and raving about it. 
Sina Rambo's popularity is way ahead of his talent thanks to the creators of #SinaRamboBars
You might be reading this and feeling angry or upset. It's your ego fxcking with you. The truth is a bitter pill to swallow. Next time when an artiste in the mold of a Tonto Dikeh and Sina Rambo come out the best thing to do is ignore. That is just the simple solution. If you ignore them, they won't exist. When nobody talks about them, they become irrelevant. Ashamed of their lack of talent and buzz, they will crawl back into their caves never to disturb our ears anymore. As simple as it is, it is hard for some of you to do just that. You must rant and rave so you can be noticed. The sad part is the person you are ranting and raving about will be noticed too. Who is the mumu at the end of the day?
The paranoia of the Illuminati is at an all-time high in the Nigerian online community. 

It's too late we can't put Tonto Dikeh back in the box. She is already making plans to put Illuminati signs in her video. OMG! The Nigerian Twitter community loves the Illuminati, they know who is a member, VIP, VVIP and elder. If her plan to bring out these 'symbols' of triangles and flashing images (LOL!) comes out, her video will be a hit. It will be a hit not thanks to her PR people, it will be a hit thanks to you people who will undoubtedly tweet about it. Tonto Dikeh knows the mumu button of the nouveau-posh on Twitter and she is rubbing it well. She is the pimp and you all are her tricks. Allow me to paraphrase the words of an act who got more attention than his talent deserved- "Tonto Dikeh is smarter than all of you". 

Wriiten by Ayomide O. Tayo (@AOT2)

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